Monday, 23 January 2012

Bad day, very bad day.

I have had enough, I had enough a few weeks ago, but today is on a whole new level. When K was still sleeping in her cot she was pretty much the little angel out of our circle of friends, the one that slept in until 10am, was never naughty. That soon changed when the cot-bed transition occurred. She didn't handle it well but after a month she was sleeping reasonably well, then came Christmas time when it all went wrong. Waking up at anywhere between 4:30am and 6am, we are both knackered.

Today the little devil woke up at 4:30am sharp, I had an ok-ish sleep before so the battle to get her back to sleep commenced, I tried everything, her bed, my bed, controlled crying, lying on her bed with her, milk, you name it, I tried it. Would she go back to sleep? No. 6am came and went and I called it a day, we was up for the day from then.

We spent the morning lounging around, and went to my friends for the afternoon. After spending, what seemed, the whole afternoon telling her to leave the dog alone we went to pick up my friends little boy from nursery. They were playing nicely enough, until K followed the 9 month old into the kitchen, cue sudden screams, she bit him, not just any bite, but full blown deep teeth marks, I was mortified. Her hand got tapped and out in the porch she went. We left half an hour later and thankfully the teeth marks had pretty much gone, but I was still feeling so guilty. I just text my friend and she said the bite marks are still there, whether she is saying that to make me feel worse, I don't know, but what I do know is the marks had pretty much gone when we left.

I just don't know what to do anymore, I need a break... a long break. I think her sleep is the thing that's making her so naughty. She can't go even an hour without doing something she isn't supposed to. Everyone just said it was the terrible twos at first, but now it's on a whole different level. We are both sleep deprived and I can't handle it anymore :-( I hate the fact that I get everything, all the tears, tantrums, every minute the devil is awake, so am I. Fair enough it's lovely that I get all the good stuff to myself, but at this moment in time I hate the prick that left me in this situation. I just want help. Serious help. Before things turn even worse.

Sorry for the rant! x


  1. And Breathe! Sounds like a tough day and what a crap friend for saying that to you-no matter what the situation she should know if she has kids that things like that happen and one day hers will do something similar and she will feel guilty! Not such a great friend if you ask me!
    It must be so hard being on your own. I think single parents aren't given enough praise for what they do, lord knows I don't know if I could do it.
    You know what hate the p****, it might make you feel better! Get an early night, get lots of early nights!
    I don't know if it will help or not but a friend of mine had similar issues with her daughter and she put a stair gate in the daughters bedroom door so she couldn't get out she also made sure she put lots of blankets, cushions etc on the floor and she left the little girl to cry (obviously timing regularly going in for cuddles) and eventually the little girl would fall back asleep on the floor. For the daughter it seemed novel-for my friend? She was that knackered she didn't care where the daughter slept as long as she did. Eventually the novelty wore off at the same time she got back in to the bed sleeping noraml hours0try it? You never know.
    Don't give up. Keep going, your doing a great job xx

  2. It will all be over in a few months! My daughter is almost 3 and i have the same issues with her being naughty. She doesn't care for a smack on the hand or even on the bum. She laughs at us and tells me off. Maybe you could just take her out to the park for a good hour or two every day and let her get really worn out then when she is home she will be so tired she will want to sleep more. I have to take ours out every day and give her a football and she runs around with other children with it. I can just sit in the bench with a coffee in my flask and take a book with me. :D x
