Monday, 30 January 2012

Sweetcorn up the nose, oh dear!

I've been off the radar the past week as I had a total melt down and just couldn't cope with anything anymore. Kacie was really getting me down with her constant bad behaviour and lack of sleep and I had enough. We took a trip to our GP last Tuesday and although he couldn't help me with regards to Kacie he could give me something 'to calm you down', great I thought, until I got home. I opened the packet and read the instructions, like I do for all medication being allergic to Penicillin, and on the first line of the leaflet it had 'anti depressant' these words stuck out of the page like a sore thumb, despite being in the same type face as everything else. Was I depressed? I didn't think so, just exhausted! I decided to take them anyway just to see if they made a difference, and who'd have thought it, I feel like a new woman. I feel ashamed to admit this, but I did get angry with Kacie quite quickly, and lost my temper quite often. Now I am calm and collected and my voice has barely been raised since. I can talk to her about things she is doing wrong, and reason. I can honestly say this is now a happy cheery house even with lack of sleep!

So anyway, the title of this blog describes our night last night. Sweetcorn up the nose. I knew it was bound to happen at some point, something getting stuck up Kacie's nose, but didn't think it would be sweetcorn! I started to do the washing up as I was waiting for Kacie to finish eating and all of a sudden there was a moan, not a cry, or a whimper, a moan, something like I'd get if I told her to tidy up. I turned round to find her finger up her nose (no changes there!), I pulled it out and had a look up and wasn't sure if it was a huge boogie but on closer inspection, there it was. I paniced, I don't know why, Kacie didn't seem in any discomfort and carried on eating her sausage and mash. I dashed from one room to the other looking for the phone, mum was bound to know if the local minor injuries unit would be open, being a Sunday, I wasn't sure. It was open, hurray! Off we went (once Kacie had finished eating), we got there and got seen quite quickly which is unusual! The nice lady nurse blew some bubbles and gave her some toys but that didn't stop her getting upset when the nurse went to have a look. We tried to hold her as best we could as the nurse put some tweezers then a hook up her nose, poor little darling! It didn't work anyway and just pushed the sweetcorn further up :-( the nurse rang the ears nose and throat specialist at the hospital and we were advised to go and see her (40 minute drive away, the joys). We held Kacie down once again and with a little bit of suction the doctor managed to get it out, it was the biggest kernal of sweetcorn I think I've ever seen, understatement it is not! I don't think Kacie was fussed either way if it was in or out, she was fine after she got over the ordeal of seeing the doctor with a huge miners light on her head.

The first trip to accident and emergency has occured, let's hope she doesn't follow in my footsteps otherwise we'd be better off buying a bed down there!


  1. Firstly-there is nothing wrong with anti-depressants. I've been on and off then since I was 16 and they really make a huge difference. So don't beat yourself up!
    Secondly-what an eventful evening! Glad it came out in the end but I bet you won't ever look at sweetcorn the same way again! x

  2. I agree with Chloe - anti-depressants can have a lot of stigma attached which puts people off, and yet they can be such a support if you really need them (as you've already found out).

    As for the sweetcorn, I can't believe that so much can go wrong with such a simple thing! It will definitely make me look at tuna pasta in a different way in future.

    Thanks for sharing.

  3. Oh gawd how scary- I admit I'd probably try to pull it out with tweezers first but good thing you saw a specialist to sort it out ;) re pills- I want some of those!
